Dare to be you... dare to not fit in!
What is your passion? What do you want to do in life?
What is your ambition?
These are the dreaded questions that people keep asking us, especially when we have no clue what to do! Your success journey does not start with these questions but with the question :”What is my purpose?”
Today, you are going to walk out with a step by step practical guide to answer all these questions, not to others, but to your own self.
Step 1: What is your belief system?
Do you believe that you were created with a purpose? Do you believe that you can make a difference in someone’s life?
Acknowledging that your life has a purpose, you add meaning to the life of several people, irrespective of the situation that you are in, is the first step.
Step 2: What is your faith [MS1] quotient?
Do you believe that you have ‘everything that you need’ to fulfil your life’s purpose?
Know that, you just have to set a clear intention to walk in your purpose trajectory, the strength and resources needed for that journey will come automatically to you. You do not have to run behind anything, you sit and see the wonder!
Step 3: How do you feel?
Are you agitated? Anxious? Worried?
Rumi, a thinker and a poet from the present-day Afghanistan wrote:
When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.”
Stay calm, acknowledge the plan and presence of God in your life, you will see miracles happening.
Step 4: Are you ready?
Are you willing to take the road to your purpose and passion however rough and bumpy it may be?
If yes, opportunities to discover your passion and use it will automatically pop-up effortlessly. Those who have chosen to follow their purpose and do what they love, despite all odds, have not only become good at it but have also escaped the painful claws of depression.
Step 5: How can I be of service to someone?
This is the final step to living an extraordinary and the most important question that you should ask yourself every day. By answering this question, your purpose will find you.
When you are willing to live a purpose-driven life, your heart’s desire, your talents, your passion, your environment and your passion will all align to take you there. So stop breaking your head in trying to find out what your passion is, be still with a clear intention and willingness to take the next step of faith, you will be surprised to see your passion pop-up right in front of your eyes.
You will live the magic!