
5 steps to enter the quiet state of mind


The brain is an electrochemical organ and functions in different frequencies in different circumstances. Can we control in which frequency our brain operates? The answer is, Yes! Several studies prove that through practice we can trigger the kind of frequency best needed for the task at hand, be it to improve productivity & creativity, to lower stress and induce relaxation, to foster critical analysis & problem solving, memory …

In this article, we are going to learn how to access the most subtle frequency. Before that, let us understand why we must access this quiet space. We live in a very loud world, noises from the negative media, resentment, anger, fear crowd our mind and makes it very difficult to listen to the soft whispers of God. Love, compassion, gratitude, etc are not loud noises. It is therefor important to find that quiet space where you find yourself alone with your creator and operate from that abundance.

  • The below 5 tips will lead to a quiet inner self and calms down all agitation
  • Time: The best time to access the quiet space in your mind is early in the morning and just before you sleep. Anytime between 4.30am and 6.30am is ideal. This is when your brain is in a transition between a well-rested frequency and a fully alert frequency. This is also when there is no disturbance form your environment.
  • Position: You can either sit erect or kneel. This posture gives a signal to your mind that you are serious about what you are doing and committed to your goal.
  • Relaxation: Close your eyes and feel your body loosen and relax right from the scalp of your head, slowly coming down to your forehead, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, right through your neck, shoulders till your toes. This will help you to shut down the external disturbance and the loud mental chatter.
  • Counting: Slowly start counting in reverse from 100 to 1. Count inside your mind, do not vocalize the numbers.
  • Breathing: You will notice that as you count your breathing becomes deeper and the pace slower. You will slowly sink into the quiet space.

Once you reach the quiet space, wait patiently in that space. You will certainly listen to the divine whisper which will guide you to the discovery of your own self and to your purpose. This quiet space is like the garden of Eden where you can have a candid conversation with your creator and begin to co-create your successful future[MS1] ! When you find your true self and take the first step determined to live according to your purpose, the entire universe will conspire to give you what you need and open the doors to success.